Tuesday, November 20, 2007


You know I never really liked tag as a kid and I don’t know if blog tag is a whole lot better. Marianne warned me that she was going to tag me but I guess Casi beat her to it. So…seven interesting things about me… man that is a tough one.

1. I have a CRUSH on two much younger men! Colter and Austin are two of the cutest boys I know and I absolutely LOVE them. I honestly cannot get enough of them which is probably why I love going home to Manti so much. I am sure they get tired of my constant hugs and kisses but I can’t help it. I love when Colter wakes up in the morning and crawls into bed with Eric and me to snuggle and because he knows we will get up with him. Austin’s cooing always gets me. I can’t help but give him whatever he wants.

2. I HATE shopping. I know that sounds weird especially if you know all of my in-laws. They love shopping and even Eric enjoys it now and then. Especially when it comes to shoes. I never really have liked it. I have to know what I am looking for, where I want to get it, and then I get it and get out. I am getting better about spending time at the mall but that is definitely not where I would choose to be any given Saturday.

3. I married the BEST man in the world! I really don’t know where to start but I definitely lucked out when I found ERIC! He is such a tender hearted, loving, caring man! I know most women think they got the cream of the crop but Eric definitely takes the cake. I am a very cuddly person and sometimes I am sure that it gets old but he is such a good sport. I love that he knows me so well. There are times that I am really not having a good day and the only thing that could make it better would normally be my mom, a cup of hot chocolate, and It’s a Wonderful Life. ERIC has taken the place of that. When he scoops me up in his arms I melt and everything is right in the world.

4. I love SPORTS! Although I don’t really like to watch sports on TV I love to play and watch in person. I am definitely a very aggressive and competitive person and so sports became a big part of my life very early and have remained such through the years. Football, Baseball, and Ultimate Frisbee are my recent favorites but I am always up for a game of anything.

5. I love HORSES! I think Eric is a little disappointed that he married a COWGIRL and I have never put him on a horse. I think we will definitely have to get him on a horse soon. I have been riding since I was really little and competed in rodeos starting at age 4 I think and just kept doing them. I have not competed for a couple years though but I still love to ride.

6. I have a SUPER MOM! I have actually been lucky enough to have two amazing moms. Janet is awesome and is so helpful with anything Eric and I need but I have definitely been spoiled to have my mom. I had lunch with her a little while ago and she was commenting on her hands and I realized how lucky I am to have a mom who really has worked her whole life. Her hands may not be what some people would think a woman’s hands are supposed to look like but they are BEAUTIFUL to me. Her hands have dug lots of irrigation ditches, moved lots of furniture, helped train many horses, mended many scraped knees, and comforted many sick children. Even if they were not her own. Although I have big shoes to fill I hope I can be half the mom she was to me.

7. I love CHEESECCAKE! I love dessert in general but I definitely have to say that when given an option I would choose cheesecake. Not just any cheesecake will do though. I like restaurant cheesecake but the best is my mom’s. It is so rich and creamy and I just love it. The only one that comes close is Tempy’s. When nothing else will do cheesecake will always fix the world’s problems, well mine at least!
I am pretty sure most of the people I would tag have already been tagged so I am only going to tag Andrea. I am a party pooper!


Kimi D said...

Hey you! I haven't been a very good blogger lately and didn't know you'd been sucked in too!!
Glad to heare you're feeling better. Hopefully I'll get a chance to see you guys sometime during the holidays...have a great time in Manti this weekend. xo

Bench Family said...

It's good to read you. I miss you guys. Give Eric a big hug for me!

Marianne said...

I was so bumbed when I saw Casi tagged you first. I didn't like playing tag when I was young either. I guess she beat me to the punch!